- Japan is Beautiful -
In a normal tour, participants will take a bus or a train to get to their destinations, so it is not required to plan all the routes in details.

Meanwhile, all the routes for The Samurai Challenge must be planned in details.

The participants were exposed to pristine local daily lives of countryside which they could visit only because they were traveling by classic cars. They could visit and experience fascinating untouristy and untouched traditional sites of Japan. I was impressed time and again. Every one of the routes were thoroughly examined and picked up by the car rally expert teams at the Rally Round Ltd. The car rally expert team consists of experts who have achieved excellent results at famous classic car rallies all over the world. The routes selected by the experts provided the fascinating and breath-taking scenery to the tour participants.

-The Samurai Challenge-
The Samurai Challenge is a completely new and unprecedented style of tour in Japan. In addition to the experts who carefully select the tour routes, there are many experts in other fields: mechanics who take care of the maintenance and out-of-order cars along the way, operational staff who works seamlessly with the mechanics leveraging the latest GPS system, and doctors who accompany the tour to take care of those who become sick during the tour. The Rally Round Ltd. provides all the possible measures so that our customers can be reassured to participate in the tour on different countries. The tour management style is dynamic and sophisticated.



一方で、The Samurai Challengeの通過するルートは、異なります。

移動手段がクラッシックカーであるからこそ訪れることができる、まだ手付かずの地方の暮らしの中にも身を置くことができます。観光地化されていない、ありのままの日本とその魅力さえも体感することができます。感動しました。しかも、そのルートは、Rally Round Ltd.に所属するラリー専門家チームにより一つ一つ丁寧に選ばれています。世界中の名だたるクラッシックカーラリーで優秀な成績をおさめた専門家がセレクトした道を走るからこそ見える景色や景観は息を呑むほど美しかったです。

-The Samurai Challenge-

The Samurai Challengeは、新スタイルの旅のご提案です。先ほどの選定ルート以外にも、運営チームには、故障したクラッシックカーを道中メンテナンスするメカニックスタッフ、GPSを駆使したオペレーションスタッフとのチームワーク、万が一体調不良でも即対応してくださるお医者様の同行など、お客様が安心して諸外国を旅できる配慮が整っています。その運営はダイナミックですが洗練されています。